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Monday, April 2, 2012

First Comparison Shots - 04 - 02 - 2012

This marks one Month of training. Let's not get disappointed if not much progress is seen here. One month is not enough time to see much visible progress, but I guarantee all of you the changes are there as his body is currently mutating to build newer and stronger muscle to adapt to these workouts every week. Let's look at the shots:

Congratulations to Dan! The improvements are actually visible. His biceps have gained a bit in their peak from when he started, his waist is more controlled and most importantly his posture has improved considerably from his first set of pictures. It is a night and day difference, all one needs to do is look at how much less curvature there is in the area where his thoratic region meets the cervical region. That new posture alone connotes his new found confidence in himself with the workouts which I put him through and that makes me extremely happy. I hope that he can continue on this amazing journey with me until the 6 months are over and we will see what we were able to do together...I'm excited. Stay tuned.

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