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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday - First Workout - 2 - 28 - 2012

Dan started his first workout on Tuesday night. Below is his performance regarding the exercises, reps and weight used. This first week will be geared towards figuring out his strengths and weaknesses and what he is comfortable with doing with regard to the aforementioned.

Workout A (Oviedo)

Decline Abdominal Sit ups - 2 sets - 8, 6 reps - Body weight
Decline Leg Raises - 2 sets - 5, 6 reps - Body weight

L-Flyes - 1 set - 25 reps - 5lbs

Incline Barbell Bench Press - 1 warm up set, 2 work sets - 15, 12, 8 - 45lbs, 85lbs, 105lbs
Barbell Bent Over Rows - 2 sets - 10, 10 - 65lbs

Machine Pec Flyes - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 70lbs
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 55lbs, 70lbs

Hammer Strength Pullovers - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 50lbs, 60lbs

Barbell Curls - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 45lbs, 55lbs
Triceps Push Downs - 2 sets - 12, 16 - 60lbs, 100lbs

Barbell Forearm Curls - 2 sets - 15, 15 - 45lbs

Stationary Planks - 2 sets - 30 seconds hold

Cardio Cool Down - 20 minutes

Below are some shots of Dan in action:

Forearm Curls

Triceps Push Downs

Barbell Curls

Hammer Strength Pullovers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Workout Pogrom...er...Program.

4 Day split – Upper – Lower / Upper – Lower (One week Iso-lateral / One week Regular)

Workout A – Upper

Workout B – Lower

Workout C – Upper

Workout D – Lower

Rep Ranges will be based upon type of exercise and goal. Low to medium reps will be reserved for slow moving compound exercises. Medium to high reps will be geared to moderate compound exercises and higher repetitions will be used as variety with either the former or latter type of compound movement.

The core will be worked on all four occasions as the foundation of the physique which will provide it the necessary stability to perform all exercises with the correct form. Major compound movements will secondarily affect the core as well. Therefore it will be a major focus of each routine.

Abdominals are to remain tightly flexed while movements are performed in a slow and controlled cadence.

Each routine will be built around foundational compound movements with ancillary isolation exercises to supplement the muscles a bit further by driving [targeting] more blood and oxygen to the respective muscle group. Please note that a lack of pump or next day soreness do not in any way connote that the workout itself was for naught and unproductive.

Below you will find the workout formats (rep ranges will vary):

Workourt A / C Format – Upper

2 Core exercises – 2 sets – Mid to high rep range (15-50)

L-fly rotator cuff exercises – 1 set – high rep range (25) for each angle

1 Major pressing exercise (compound) – 3 sets – 1 warm up set, 2 work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Major pulling exercise (compound) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Minor chest exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Minor back exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Major overall exercise (Pull&Push motion) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Major Bicep exercise – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Major Triceps exercise – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Forearm Isolation exercise – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Stationary core exercise – 1 set – Timed

Cooldown: Stretch and hold + light cardio

Workourt B / D Format – Lower

2 Core exercises – 2 sets – Mid to high rep range (15-50)

L-fly rotator cuff exercises – 1 set – high rep range (25) for each angle

1 Major pressing exercise (compound) – 3 sets – 1 warm up set, 2 work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Major pressing exercise (compound) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Minor push exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Minor pull exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

2 Calf exercises (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Minor isolation exercise – 2 sets – work sets – High rep range (15-20)

1 Stationary core exercise – 1 set – Timed

Cooldown: Stretch and hold + light cardio

About Dan the Man who went from Jolly to McLean.

Let's briefly talk about the man; Dan is a good friend of mine who was tired of being overweight and sedentary. He decided to embark on a journey which was further motivated by a weight loss competition at his job that really pushed him to obtain real results. His dedication through sheer hard work and his willingness to resist the urges to get off track with a cheat meal here and there was amazing. His accomplishments in weight loss are envied by many, otherwise known as silent admirers, and admired by those such as myself who witnessed his transformation into an entirely different person. Not only does he look younger, he looks much healthier. Cheers for him and his efforts in the kitchen and outside of it.

Let's analyze his stats before he underwent this astounding diet:

March 2011
Height: 6'6" (2.01 m)
Weight: 335lbs. (152.27 kgs)
Waist Size: 46/48

Post diet:

Current (Feb 2012)
Height: 6'6" (2.01 m)
Weight: 247lbs. (112.27 kgs)
Waist Size: 38/40

After seeking my help with regard to working out, I have decided to take him under my wing as my first client. I will train him for a period of six months and his workouts and progression will be posted here, you are welcome to follow it. Barring any unforeseen circumstances we should be able to post all updates. The next post will outline what his workout program will entail.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Welcome to my fitness blog. Here we will follow the journey of my first client. It will be a 6 month long experiment and from there we will see if the duration should be extended or not based upon his physical progression. More on this as it develops.

In conjunction with this blog which will highlight his progress in fitness, an e-book is under development which will be available once completed for all. This will be a short concise guide encompassing all important topics when it comes to exercises for the layman. After all, being fit is not rocket science, it's simply common sense.

That's it for now. See you all soon.