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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday - First Workout - 2 - 28 - 2012

Dan started his first workout on Tuesday night. Below is his performance regarding the exercises, reps and weight used. This first week will be geared towards figuring out his strengths and weaknesses and what he is comfortable with doing with regard to the aforementioned.

Workout A (Oviedo)

Decline Abdominal Sit ups - 2 sets - 8, 6 reps - Body weight
Decline Leg Raises - 2 sets - 5, 6 reps - Body weight

L-Flyes - 1 set - 25 reps - 5lbs

Incline Barbell Bench Press - 1 warm up set, 2 work sets - 15, 12, 8 - 45lbs, 85lbs, 105lbs
Barbell Bent Over Rows - 2 sets - 10, 10 - 65lbs

Machine Pec Flyes - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 70lbs
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 55lbs, 70lbs

Hammer Strength Pullovers - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 50lbs, 60lbs

Barbell Curls - 2 sets - 12, 12 - 45lbs, 55lbs
Triceps Push Downs - 2 sets - 12, 16 - 60lbs, 100lbs

Barbell Forearm Curls - 2 sets - 15, 15 - 45lbs

Stationary Planks - 2 sets - 30 seconds hold

Cardio Cool Down - 20 minutes

Below are some shots of Dan in action:

Forearm Curls

Triceps Push Downs

Barbell Curls

Hammer Strength Pullovers

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