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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Workout Pogrom...er...Program.

4 Day split – Upper – Lower / Upper – Lower (One week Iso-lateral / One week Regular)

Workout A – Upper

Workout B – Lower

Workout C – Upper

Workout D – Lower

Rep Ranges will be based upon type of exercise and goal. Low to medium reps will be reserved for slow moving compound exercises. Medium to high reps will be geared to moderate compound exercises and higher repetitions will be used as variety with either the former or latter type of compound movement.

The core will be worked on all four occasions as the foundation of the physique which will provide it the necessary stability to perform all exercises with the correct form. Major compound movements will secondarily affect the core as well. Therefore it will be a major focus of each routine.

Abdominals are to remain tightly flexed while movements are performed in a slow and controlled cadence.

Each routine will be built around foundational compound movements with ancillary isolation exercises to supplement the muscles a bit further by driving [targeting] more blood and oxygen to the respective muscle group. Please note that a lack of pump or next day soreness do not in any way connote that the workout itself was for naught and unproductive.

Below you will find the workout formats (rep ranges will vary):

Workourt A / C Format – Upper

2 Core exercises – 2 sets – Mid to high rep range (15-50)

L-fly rotator cuff exercises – 1 set – high rep range (25) for each angle

1 Major pressing exercise (compound) – 3 sets – 1 warm up set, 2 work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Major pulling exercise (compound) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Minor chest exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Minor back exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Major overall exercise (Pull&Push motion) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Major Bicep exercise – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Major Triceps exercise – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Forearm Isolation exercise – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Stationary core exercise – 1 set – Timed

Cooldown: Stretch and hold + light cardio

Workourt B / D Format – Lower

2 Core exercises – 2 sets – Mid to high rep range (15-50)

L-fly rotator cuff exercises – 1 set – high rep range (25) for each angle

1 Major pressing exercise (compound) – 3 sets – 1 warm up set, 2 work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Major pressing exercise (compound) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid rep range (8-12)

1 Minor push exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Minor pull exercise (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

2 Calf exercises (Isolation) – 2 sets – work sets – Mid to high rep range (8-15)

1 Minor isolation exercise – 2 sets – work sets – High rep range (15-20)

1 Stationary core exercise – 1 set – Timed

Cooldown: Stretch and hold + light cardio

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